General Knowledge
- Onegai Shmasu (please teach/help me)
- Arigato gozaimashita (thank you for teaching/helping me)
- Sayonara (goodbye)
- Sensei (teacher/instructor)
- Senpai (senior students)
- Kohai (junior student)
- Hai Sensei (yes sensei)
- Karate (literally means empty hand)
- Dojo (martial arts school)
- Gi/dogi (training uniform)
- Obi (belt)
- Jodan,chudan,gedan (upper level, middle level, lower level)
- Shugo (line up)
- Hajime (begin)
- Yame (stop)
- Yoi (ready)
- Kamae (fighting pose)
- Semete (attacker)
- Ukete (defender)
- Kenkon (badge symbol, taken from Miyagi Chojun’s family crest)
- Ichi, ni, san, chi, go , roku, shichi, hachi, ku, ju Count to 10 in Jaapanese
- Karate-ka (karate student)
- Kata (set moves passed down through history)
- Uki (punch)
- Uke (block)
- Uchi (strike)
- Geri (kick)
- Empi uchi (elbow strike)
- Kiai (shout of spirit)
- Seiza (kneel down)
- Mokuso (eyes closed)
- Dojo kun (see website for the rules of the dojo)
- Shomen (front of dojo)
- Me undo (eye training)
- Kumite (sparring)
- Sandan gi (three level moving)
- Hidari (left)
- Migi (right)
- Mai (front)
- Yoko (side)
- Dachi (stance)
- Ashi barai (foot sweep)
- Ko uke (wrist block)
- Suri ashi (sliding step)
- Joso kutei (ball of the foot)
- Sokuto (foot edge)
- Kakato (heel)
- Haisoku (instep)
Basic techniques and stances
- Jodan uke (upper rising block)
- Chudan uke (middle outside bock)
- Gedan barai (lower sweeping block)
- Mai geri (front kick- ball of the foot)
- Mawashi geri (roundhouse kick- instep of the foot)
- Musubi dachi (ready stance or old nme was obe dachi – like a knot)
- Heiko dachi (parallel stance)
- Zenkutsu dachi (front stance)
- Uraken uchi (back fist)
- Shuto uchi (knife hand strike)
- Age hije ate (rising elbow strike)
- Name gaeshi (foot sweep and stamp)
- Shiko dachi (straddle stance)
- Hachiji dachi (natural stance)
- Han zenkutsu dachi (half front stance)
- Sanbon zuki (triple punch)
- Sandan zuki (3 level strikes)
- Hiza geri (kee strike)
- Tora guchi (tiger mouth block)
- Sanbon uke (triple block)
- Sandan uke (3 level blocks)
- Neko ashi dachi (cat stance)
- Kizami zuki (snap punch)
- Yoko geri (side kick –heel of the foot)
- Sanchin dachi (hourglass stance)
- Haito uchi (ridge hand strike)
- Sukui uke (scooping block)
- Oi zuki (lunge punch)
- Gekisai dai ichi (to destroy introduction number one)
- Gekasai dai ni ((to destroy introduction number two)
- Saifa (to destroy by pulverising)
- Seiunchin (earth techniques)
- Shisochin ( to destroy on four different directions)
- Sanchin (three minds or three conflicts, mental spiritual, physical)